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last updated Feb 2004

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This set of links is extracted from their use in lectures from 2002-2004 in interactivity & screen design. I have listed them here for both student and public use. Enjoy and please write me with suggestions of other helpful design, development, reference links you come across.

Thanks for your interest in making new technology and superb design come together harmoniously. It is something I value in each client project and in each student project. -e.b.

Inspirational site designs
www.designinteract.com/: nice site-of-the-week gallery
www.commarts.com/CA/interactive/: interactive design awards program
www.flashforward.com: Flash forward Film Festival nominees and winners are always great sources of inspiration.
www.macromedia.com/showcase/ : decent showcase of sites using you know who's products!


www.htmlcodetutorial.com/quicklist.html: HTML tag and attribute reference
www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp: current browser statistics
www.netlingo.com: tech terminology -- look up that strange acronym.
builder.cnet.com/webbuilding/0-7650.html : general web-design tech how-to portal that's been around a long time. Go there for info.
devedge.netscape.com: Netscape's Developer Edge. All sorts of tech info. Has also been around a long time.

check out the dreamweaver exchange
www.dwfaq.com - some decent tutorials
www.communitymx.com - limited free trial membership, then you gotta pay
www.projectseven.com - used to have free stuff, now you have to purchase a lot of it.

Flash and Flash Experts
www.flashkit.com - all sorts of stuff for including a good list serve
www.kirupa.com - good tutorials for Flash and a couple advanced tricks
www.echotap.com/ - Samuel Wan's creation for source code on development projects. Great stuff. Especially Live Classroom. Thanks Sam.
chattyfig.figleaf.com/ - Chatty Fig hosts Flash and DW discussions/lists.
bornmag.com - Art meets Lit in Technological times

Eric Natzke all around, try-it-all, cool Flash creator.
James Paterson
Amit Pitaru -- Pitaru.com music inventions
Craig's Miniml site.
Joe Sparks - animator


Once again: FLASHFORWARD conference andFilmFestival winners are also sources of inspiration. Did I say this already?

www.thefusionproject.org - A global art collaboration

Hosting Evaluation
a list of popular hosting plans from CNET

Web-Redesign Book online companion

www.web-redesign.com: reference downloads
www.macromedia.com/resources/techniques/ : production management techniques in sync with web-redesign.com

Web Redesign is a book I reference ALWAYS in my lectures and use to help describe my process! It's great. Get it. Love it. Thanks to Kelly for sharing this most useful info.

Usability Design
www.baychi.org: BayCHI is the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIG-CHI).
www.nathan.com/ and nathan.com/thoughts/100
Nathan Shedrof's site. "Interface design isn't about icons and buttons and more than graphic design is about typefaces and dcorative borders. They are both about creating experiences and communicating--wheter it is emotions or infomation or both. The "tricks" are merely tools with which to create the experience, and their meaning and language must be understood by the creator--you."
www.jjg.net/ia/elements.pdf  Good chart showing web and interaction design issues.
www.useit.com/ : Jakob Nielsen’s usability web site. Not that we're crazy about his site or ideas, but he's made an impact nonetheless.
www.cooper.com: That would be Alan Cooper who coined the term "persona" for user testing.

Also, look for books by:
Edward Tufte
Richard Saul Wurman

www.w3.org/MarkUp/Guide/Style -W3C basic learning link
www.alistapart.com/stories/indexCSS.html -- good advanced info.
www.ericmeyeroncss.com -- Eric Meyer, a master of Cascading Style Sheets: learn tricks that may amaze and astonish your mom and your clients; this is his book's companion site.
devedge.netscape.com/library/xref/2003/css-support/ - Eric Meyer's CSS Support Charts on devedge

Search Engines
This isn't Kansas anymore. You may want to peruse this site to learn about what's up with the spiders.

Accessibility Design
www-3.ibm.com/able/accessweb.html - Accessible web design checklist
www.cforat.org - The Center for Accessible Technology in Berkeley. Go there if you can and try surfing the web with the screen blacked out!
www.macromedia.com/macromedia/accessibility/mx/dw/validation.html -- Validating dreamweaver html for accessibility
www.alistapart.com/stories/flash_mx_moving/ --Flash moves toward accessibility
www.aircalifornia.org -- An accessibility design competition that e.b. was a part of in 2002 and for which she won an award along with her sharp teammates in Team MEME for The Riley Center site design.

FYI: These are the main page readers available for sight impaired users:
-Home Page Reader

Web Color
www.morecrayons.com/ : really great site that shows you the newer expanded web-smart colors. There are 4,096 web smart colors to choose from that will be consistent accross platforms/most monitors!
www.lynda.com/hex.html: the traditional 216 web-safe, web color reference

General Fonts

All sorts of type libraries to cruise through and a cool "what the font?" tool that reads your scan and tells you what font was used (or close).

Tools to check out

www.zoomify.com/: Cool tool (zoomifier) for zooming in (using flash tech) to large images online so people can see detail. Requires flash.
Flash Communication Server: Wow! A whole new interaction can be possible.

www.sfwow.org - San Francisco's Women on the Web
Bay Area Macromedia User Group
SF Macromedia User Group








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